Mission Statement: The mission of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada is to EQUIP, MOTIVATE and ENCOURAGE WOMEN to GROW in God’s Word, SHARE God’s Son and SERVE God’s people.
Vision Statement: Ignited by the grace of God, members of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada are actively encouraging women in the study of God’s Word so they are passionate in sharing the Gospel through word and deed.
Our Goals:
1. To significantly increase women’s participation in God’s Word.
2. To develop relationships among women.
3. To assist women in developing skills to confidently carry out the mission of the Church.
Motto: Called to serve (Deuteronomy 10:12)
Mite Boxes: 100% of mite box offerings are sent directly to LWMLC for all mission grants and administration
Freewill Offering: A Freewill offering is given at each meeting for the local LWMLC treasury and is used for the educational materials and service projects of this Society.
Membership: Confirmed women of all ages in Lutheran Church-Canada.
Encourage one another in Christ- …invite…inform…involve…inspire.
May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
LWMLC Website: If you’d like to learn more about the LWMLC and the great works they do, please visit their website Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada, follow them on Facebook, and Instagram.
LWMLC Meetings at St. John’s:We meet every 2nd Tuesday at 1:30pm at the church from September through to June. All women are welcome to attend.
St. John’s LWMLC Society Missions
Here are some of the missions that we support.
- BC Mission Boat Society
- Concordia Theological Seminary
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief
- Lutheran Association of Missionary Pilots
- Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada
- Layette Baby Bundles for Third World Countries
- Personal Hygiene kits for Emergency room patients, Vernon, BC
- Mitten Bin for the less fortunate, Vernon, BC
- Food donations for the Salvation Army Food Bank, Vernon, BC