
Your donation enables the ongoing ministry of St. John’s, and is received with thanksgiving to God.
(cf. 2 Corinthians 9:7-12)

Donation receipts for any donation over $20, will be issued at the end of the year. If you would like a donation receipt and are new to donating to St. John’s Vernon, please ensure you send us your information including your full name and mailing address to or call 250.549.2244.

All will be used for purposes according to the pre-approved budget of St. John’s and to The Glory of God.

You can donate to St. John’s in any of the following methods:

1. Send an e-transfer to  from your online banking.

2. Mail in post-dated cheque(s) to 6525 Okanagan Landing Rd, Vernon, BC V1H 1M5

3. Set up Pre-Authorized Debit by filling out the banking form with your information, please email or call 250.549.2244 to have this form sent to you.

4. Online through St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (This option will send you a donation receipt separately)

5. You can also donate online through Canada Helps St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. If you donate using this option you will need to visit their website and download your donation tax receipt from them. Here is a shortcut to the correct webpage on the Canada Helps Website

Thank you for your generous gifts!