Love and Logic

This season’s Love & Logic is Concluded

Please check back later for updated dates and information

St. John’s Lutheran Church presents: Parenting the Love and Logic Way TM

A 6 – week practical parenting course – This course is once again being offered and begins October 15th, 2024.
Since 1977, the Love and Logic Institute has been dedicated to making parenting fun and rewarding,
instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve
respectful, healthy relationships with their children and help them prepare their kids for the real
world. All of our work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called
Love and Logic.

Back by popular demand, Love and Logic is returning to Vernon for the 15th session. More than 390
families in the Vernon community have been encouraged by this course. The course will be
facilitated by Joel Haberstock B.Ed., M.Sc., (Family Minister, Teacher), and Jodie Haberstock, B.Ed.
(Teacher, Parent Educator). This program is sponsored by St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Classes will be held starting XXXX at St. John’s Lutheran Church – 6525 Okanagan Landing Road.


  • Put an end to arguing, back talk and begging.
  • Teach responsibility without losing their love.
  • Set limits without waging war.
  • Avoid power struggles.
  • Guide kids to own and solve their problems.
  • Teach kids to complete chores without reminders and without pay.

Registration Information

The program costs $45 for a couple / $30 for an individual. This cost includes one parent manual.
Extra manuals are available for $15. Registration is now closed please check back later.
For more information, please call 250.549.2244 email

Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows them to live with the consequences of their choices. The Love and Logic approach is easy to use, raises responsible kids & changes lives.

Here’s what local parents have said about past Love and Logic seminars:

  • With the help of this program, we are experiencing a new level of calmness in our home.
  • Fynn hates getting dressed and runs away. I said, “Do you want to wear your striped pants or blue pants?” He thought about it and pointed to one pair. He cried a little bit, but not much when I put them on and I just focussed on “What a great choice, Fynn!” (aged 13 months)
  • When my son was having a hissy fit about cleaning up his toys, I used … the Uh Oh song. (age 3)
  • Kids who clean up properly get to watch TV the next day. (for kids aged 5,8,10)
  • I enjoyed the laughter, bringing humour back into parenting.
  • This course has helped me parent confidently, but even more so has given my daughter a new found confidence and man do we ever have a lot more fun together.
  • A quote we both like: “We help each other because we love each other and we need each other.”
  • It’s ok not to know what to do/how to respond to a situation immediately and ok to come back to it.
    The greatest part of the Love and Logic course was being reminded to come from a place of empathy again and again. It’s impacted all areas of our lives.
  • We have been able to stop the arguing in our house…
  • “Anything I pick up I keep,” has helped with cleanup.
  • Empathy has changed the tone of our house in such a good way.
  • I have been using it at school and “threw” the problem back at the kid to solve.